Energy audit - energy efficiency of refrigeration installations

The company FRIGO Consult Tehnic AB regularly performs an audit for energy consumption. Its purpose is to help you save energy, prevent its wastage and optimize the use of unused thermal products (heat recovery).

During an energy audit, energy flow is analyzed and recorded. An energy balance will be established and depending on this and the information regarding logistics and construction, the possibilities to save energy will be presented, taking into account the cost-profit analysis. Water control can be performed together with energy consumption control.

From a historical point of view, the company operates as a specialist in increasing the efficiency of the refrigeration installation. The concepts of installations already in operation are analyzed in order to improve them.

Depending on the results and the ideas of the customers, an optimization plan will be initiated so that the improvements are real and can be carried out in the most common moments.

Datorită duratei de funcţionare prelungite a instalaţiei frigorifice, este bine să verificaţi dacă vă puteţi îmbunătăţi instalaţia în vederea economisirii energiei. Se poate economisi energie în funcţie de modul de utilizare a instalaţiei, de înlocuirea pieselor sau sporind funcţionalitatea acesteia.

You may make improvements or changes depending on changes that occur in legislation such as the Environmental Management Service Act.

Audit energetic eficienta energetica a instalatiilor frigorifice
Audit for energy consumption

Indiferent că vorbim de o instalație frigorifică sau mașina cu care facem deplasări, trebuie să urmăm programul de întreținere recomandat de producător. Din păcate, sunt instalații frigorifice care din cauza neîntreținerii corecte se degradează și, în cel mai rău caz, cresc consumurile energetice.

Costurile energiei reprezintă o cheltuială semnificativă pentru societățile care operează sisteme industriale de refrigerare. În proiectele de construcții noi, se pot realiza economii semnificative de energie prin încorporarea tehnologiilor de eficiență energetică în proiectarea inițială, dar întreținerea corectă asigură nu doar o viața mai lungă instalației frigorifice sau de climatizare, ci și un consum redus de energie.

Putem demonstra că printr-un audit al unei instalații frigorifice sau climatizare se pot identifica posibilități de economie a energiei electrice de cel puțin 5%. Pentru facilitățile extinse sau modernizate, asigurarea eficienței sistemelor frigorifice poate duce la economii semnificative de energie fără a compromite productivitatea. Sistemele eficiente de refrigerare sau de climatizare, dezvoltate printr-o proiectare adecvată, utilizarea echipamentelor de eficiența premium și prin instalarea unor controale adecvate ale sistemului, precum și prin întreținere regulată, asigură o viață lungă și economii de energie.

Proiectarea eficientă din punct de vedere energetic a instalațiilor frigorifice

Refrigerarea este foarte importantă la scara națională. Majoritatea sistemelor consumă mai multa energie decât este necesar, din cauza modului in care sunt proiectate, întreținute și operate. Eficiența poate duce la economii mari de costuri pentru utilizatori: sistemele costă, de obicei, de șase ori mai mult pentru a funcționa pe parcursul vieții lor decât pentru a cumpara și, totuși, măsuri simple pot reduce consumul de energie cu aproximativ 20%.

Savings contribute directly to profit. An energy-efficient system is usually a more reliable one, resulting in lifetime savings due to reduced repair and downtime. More end users are making lifetime cost an important part of their specifications, and this will continue to grow.

Designing efficient systems should help you gain credibility with your customers, as an energy efficient system will reduce their lifetime costs. Adopting these principles will enhance the environmental image of your company and the industry. Efficiency refers to the application of current knowledge and existing technology. Energy-efficient design is not a difficult thing to achieve: it refers to the application of basic knowledge in the refrigeration industry.

Most food factories use refrigeration to store products and raw ingredients. Refrigeration can use large amounts of energy. Often, cooling towers are used in the refrigeration process, which also uses large amounts of water. Therefore, the efficient use of refrigeration can lead to water, energy and cost savings.

Refrigerant leaks

Refrigerant leaks represent an important environmental and occupational health and safety problem, which can also reduce the efficiency of a refrigeration system. Leaks usually occur at flanged joints, flexible hoses and damaged pipes. The reduced charge of the refrigerant makes the compressor work harder, reducing the cooling effect. Using the correct refrigerator load can reduce cooling costs by 5-10%. A study on 74 refrigeration systems found an incorrect charge of the refrigerant used in more than 40 of them.

Maintenance activities must be carried out by a specialist

These activities require specialized knowledge and, as such, should always be performed by an experienced professional. In addition, it is important to turn to a professional with experience in the maintenance of refrigeration equipment; because each piece of equipment can have specific features to follow and only a technician with knowledge about the equipment will be aware of them.

A maintenance plan will be specialized depending on your installation, equipment, energy efficiency goals and many others. There are several checks and simple tasks that installers or production personnel can perform every day to ensure that the equipment is functioning at its best.

Maintenance activities:

Reduction of losses from the cooling equipment

Vaporizer losses can be reduced by increasing vaporizer pressure or temperature. A high pressure / temperature in the vaporizer indicates that the system extracts heat from the product without spending too much energy. An increase of 1°C in the evaporator temperature increases the efficiency of the compressor up to 2-4%.

Properly sized vaporizer

A small vaporizer may have a low capital cost, but may require a larger compressor to handle the load and thus have higher operating costs

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Energy audit - energy efficiency of refrigeration installations

If you want to talk to a specialist, you can do it right now. Fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

021 332 08 48
Str. Alunisului Nr. 164, Bucuresti

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