Refrigeration System FOOD 2000

Beneficiary: FOOD 2000

Provided services:

Expansion of refrigeration plant.

Surface: 500 mp

The poultry farm Food 2000 was established in 1999 and is located in the outskirts of the town of Bocsa.

Project description:

Through the refrigeration process, the development of microflora from internal and external contamination is slowed down, enzymatically catalyzed hydrolytic and oxidative reactions are reduced, and certain physical processes are diminished. Considering these aspects, the selection of refrigeration equipment remains one of the most important factors. Referring to the previous details, we can say that improving the system to allow heat recovery was one of the key objectives pursued.

In this project, the following aspects were considered:

  1. Optimizing the refrigeration space by using equipment that does not require much space.
  2. Positioning the air conditioning units according to the temperature requirements for each room.
  3. Ensuring worker protection standards.


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We offer assistance, design, and optimization services for refrigeration systems and air conditioning systems.

If you wish to speak with a specialist, you can do so right now. Please fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

021 332 08 48
Str. Alunisului Nr. 164, Bucuresti