Industrial Thermography, Infrared Scanning
Infrared scanning of warehouses, buildings, and cold rooms.
In infrared thermography, a heat sensor device is used to make specific details visible. By using this heat device, different colors can be observed depending on the temperatures. This allows the detection of the temperature of objects, with colors ranging from yellow/white (hot) to blue/black (cold). It can be observed that thermographic images indicate only the surfaces that emit heat, and it is not possible to measure the air temperature.
A thermographic image is the easiest and fastest method to detect energy loss in buildings, moisture issues, and problems related to electrical systems.
The thermographic inspection report is the first and most important step in the process of detecting thermal issues in systems and equipment.
Thermographic inspection of equipment/systems – as an important part of maintenance activities – should be conducted regularly and according to properly designed routes (both in terms of coverage and focus on known risk areas). The frequency and inspection schedule depend on several factors, including environmental conditions, work context, implemented standards, safety requirements, and more.
- Savings on Maintenance Costs
- Higher Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
- Minimal Unscheduled Downtime
- Increased Equipment Reliability
- Extended Lifespan of Each Monitored Component
We offer you services of:
Industrial Thermography, Infrared Scanning
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