Transavia Bocsa

Beneficiary: Transavia Bocsa

Provided services:

Refrigeration plant expansion

Surface: 500 mp

The largest chicken meat producer in Romania is located in Bocșa, Caraș-Severin County. TRANSAVIA is the only Romanian company that has committed to the standards to be a co-signatory of the EU Code of Conduct regarding Responsible Commercial and Marketing Practices in the Food Sector.

Project description:

Refrigeration systems for the food sector is an aspect that should not be overlooked, especially when it comes to consumer safety and protection. In this project, all the operating conditions of the equipment were considered to ensure both good reliability and high performance. The technical team managed to identify the areas that needed improvement, ensuring optimal efficiency.



Extindere instalatie frigorifica Transavia Bocsa
Extindere instalatie frigorifica Transavia Bocsa
Extindere instalatie frigorifica Transavia Bocsa
Extindere instalatie frigorifica Transavia Bocsa

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021 332 08 48
Str. Alunisului Nr. 164, Bucuresti